买FJ-78C吧,我的就是,80GB硬盘SERIAL ATA 5400转,,奔M760(2.0GHZ) 512DDR2最大2GB,分辨1280X800,刻录DVD+R双层DVD+RW刻录光驱,摄像头麦克风,至今没有什么漏电一说,噪音没有,反正听不到,连续运行3小时才开始有点热,屏幕顶级14.1瑰丽屏,除了SHARP其他都不是对手(包括20000以上的IBM个人比对过),音箱果然非同凡响,具体还是自己体会吧,反正对比下来别的牌子的音箱不杂的,缺点目前暂时没找到,全套2.7KG
I just bought a sz270p/c, the price is 12400.00, (1g,120gb,have mobile card). but all carbon-fiber, weight only 3.8lb. I think the sz series is good, but the price is a little high, in china this is normal. duo 2 core just 10% quicker than duo core, but very expensive for sony's new sz. So I think Duo core is ok. Sorry in office can't input chinese.You can send message to me if have any questions for sz series. I will receive it today.
I just bought a sz270p/c, the price is 12400.00, (1g,120gb,have mobile card). but all carbon-fiber, weight only 3.8lb. I think the sz series is good, but the price is a little high, in china th ...